Decision Making as Output and Bounded Rationality

  The classical economics theories proceed on the assumption of rational agents. Rationality implies the economic agents undertake actions or exercise choices based on the cost-benefit analysis they undertake. The assumption further posits that there exists no information asymmetry and thus the agent is aware of all the costs and benefits associated with the choice he or she has exercised. The behavioral school contested the decision stating the decisions in practice are often irrational. Implied there is a continuous departure from rationality. Rationality in the views of the behavioral school is more an exception to the norm rather a rule. The past posts have discussed the limitations of this view by the behavioral school. Economics has often posited rationality in the context in which the choices are exercised rather than theoretical abstract view of rational action. Rational action in theory seems to be grounded in zero restraint situation yet in practice, there are numerous re...

Antifa and Bakasura Syndrome

Browsing Twitter, one came across this interesting tweet. Some replies to this tweet too are interesting. Further browsing led to this tweet capturing screenshots of tweets by some handle. There is another tweet that captures a screenshot of a Reddit post.  All these tweets pertain to reactions to the ANTIFA sponsored violence currently happening in different places in US. In their own ways, they capture reactions that seek to bring the human behaviour when confronted with separating equilibrium.


When one observes the tweets or the posts on Reddit, there is certain pattern that emerges. One of those tweets is virtually pleading to spare them because they are progressive. It is apparently from an editor of news media outlet. The outlet claims to be progressive or in other words, a supporter of the Antifa cause. Yet it wonders why Antifa is attacking it. Implied is it would be understandable if Antifa attacked a media outlet that was less progressive. The word progressive in the context implies someone who supports Antifa cause or in the Indian equivalence, the left liberal ecosystem. Another tweet apparently indicates a sort of romanticism with attacking other’s households or buildings but very different reaction when it comes attacking their own. What seems romantic to the handle is a affordable housing quarters being attacked but relatively higher end housing cannot be attacked since they live there. The Reddit post virtually argues that being the recipient of violence is greater torture than police reactions especially if it involves their own car. The post talks about their contribution in supporting the Antifa cause and laments the reward for the same after hours of tolerating police attacks was an Antifa attack on their own car.


This is not something new that has happened. Similar instances of attacks were observed in the Shaheen Bagh stand-off and the Delhi riots. When Islamic terrorists attacked the school in Peshawar in 2015, many parents were pleading mercy for children on the grounds of them being Islamic. It would seem to many that massacring non-Islamic children was okay. There was a post on social media on anti-CAA protestors seeking to burn a train in West Bengal. The handle which posted was naturally trembling in fear but till that date seem to have vociferously supported the protestors. Similar such report came from a Tamil student who was stoned in Kashmir. Incidentally his posts on Facebook were found to be in strong sympathy with the Kashmiri separatists.


Despite this, there are many who continue to support Antifa type naxal gangs or their equivalents. Similar support is found for the Islamist terrorist groups. There seem to attach a romanticism to these groups. The liberal ecosystem in India continues to vociferously support and plead on behalf of the Tukde-Tukde gang and their cousins. On every matter, there seems to be more than eager to support them rather take a consistent stand on issues. This is something visible on social reforms in Islam to naxal plots to eliminate top guns in the political and social hierarchy. The answer to these lie in what one can term as ‘Bakasura’ phenomenon.


Bakasura was a demon in the Indian epic Mahabharata. He used to terrorize people and eat them. The people in the town had to devise a solution and came with an offer to Bakasura. He would be offered one person every day for food with the rider that he has stop killing others. The bargain was Faustian. Implied was to save oneself for today, somebody else will be sacrificed. The hope was since he would kill somebody else, one could be saved and not get killed. At the very least, one could postpone their death to the last. What was missed is there is only postponement of the inevitable but not an escape. In fact, many Germans including the Communists supported Hitler on this very premise. In the story however, Bhimsena goes as that day’s ‘sacrifical lamb’ and kills the demon. But as the experience shows in the German case, when they came for ‘you’ there was nobody else left to defend ‘you’ as all have been killed or imprisoned.


This precise Bakasura syndrome drives people into a Faustian bargain with Islamic terror groups or communist terror groups. Aside of the terror groups, the bargains are executed even with the ‘relatively’ milder groups in the cause of various shades of Islamism or Communism. Both Islamists and Communist-Fascists thrive on two features. One is they are adept at claiming victimhood on the slightest on the matters. Secondly, they are merciless towards those who do not belong to them. Converts too face retribution without mercy. As a matter of fact, the dominant groups practice merciless execution of the non-dominant groups amongst the same cult. Aside of the few who tend to be naïve and believe their causes to be genuine, many know the Faustian nature of the deal. Yet they seem to persist with it. There are others who stand with them since they are so as to speak enemy’s enemy. The coalitions might be uneasy but an unavoidable evil at the given moment.


The reason is the fear that these groups set in amongst others. Humans perform cost benefit analysis taking short term into account. In the short term, the payoffs might be high. They include the perks monetary and non-monetary besides demonstrating woke culture to the rest of the society. It is sort of a signal that they are not averse to standing with those fighting for alleged injustices even though it puts them on the wrong side of the establishment. Yet as evidence shows, these manifestations of various signals have hardly wooed the hardline cults following the communist or Islamist denominations. At some level, it is the postponement of the inevitable to some future date that drives the bargains. These bargains are not unusual. They have been observed in society for long.


The reactions as evident in the posts is short term. It can be safely deduced that instead of calling the bluff of the Antifa gang, these woke progressives would perhaps redouble their efforts to prove woke credentials. Evidence exists for the same from similar instances in India including the recent Shaheen Bagh or incidents that keep happening in Kashmir. To those involved in violence, the cost benefit analysis is skewed in favour of them. No matter of their attacks on their supporters, they know that the support will not dwindle. Unless these practitioners of violent cults face a cost that is too high for their immediate benefits, these actions would not stop neither would be the support of their ecosystem.


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