Decision Making as Output and Bounded Rationality

  The classical economics theories proceed on the assumption of rational agents. Rationality implies the economic agents undertake actions or exercise choices based on the cost-benefit analysis they undertake. The assumption further posits that there exists no information asymmetry and thus the agent is aware of all the costs and benefits associated with the choice he or she has exercised. The behavioral school contested the decision stating the decisions in practice are often irrational. Implied there is a continuous departure from rationality. Rationality in the views of the behavioral school is more an exception to the norm rather a rule. The past posts have discussed the limitations of this view by the behavioral school. Economics has often posited rationality in the context in which the choices are exercised rather than theoretical abstract view of rational action. Rational action in theory seems to be grounded in zero restraint situation yet in practice, there are numerous re...

Woke Protests and the Olympics


Sports and politics are hardly divorced from each other. Each can be a means to achieve an intended objective. To Hitler and his Nazis, the 1936 Olympics was an instrument to tell the world their alleged superiority. There were open voices of racism through that Olympics. In 1972, Palestinian terrorists killed ten Israeli sportsmen after kidnapping them from the Olympic village. The treatment of Blacks in South Africa was not merely confined to sports but in fact sports played a major role in aggravating and later elimination of racism. The 1986 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh were boycotted due to the British policy on South Africa as did the African countries in the 1976 Olympics due to New Zealand rugby tour to South Africa. The 1970 ban on South Africa in cricket was caused by their refusal to allow to Basil D’Olivera, a coloured cricketer in the England cricket team. In 1968 Olympics at Mexico, Tommie Smith and fellow medalist John Carlos raised a black gloved fist when the US national anthem was being played during the medal ceremony.


The issue has got fresh traction owing to the alleged surfacing of racist issues in the United States over the last year or. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) has politicized the treatment of Blacks and has encroached into the sports domain. While there is doubt, racism is inherent in the US, movements like BLM or Antifa are hardly concerned with the Black welfare and more keen to score political points. Yet their approach has won audience with many deciding to support for instance by taking the knee. There is strong tendency to demonstrate woke and the events of the last year in the US have given fresh opportunities for the same. The protest modes like taking the knee or painting the ground or one’s clothes through rainbow colours, the symbol of LGBT movement are often indicators of expression of woke instincts or tendencies. In fact, someone not doing the same would be hounded out with their career itself in threat. The opportunity costs of not performing to woke requirements is perhaps too high that ensures high degree of compliance. The tendencies of demonstrating woke credentials touched the Euro 2020 which has skilfully negotiated and sidelined the same so far. Yet the same might not be said of the forthcoming Olympics in Tokyo.


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) had banned political protests at the Olympics. They wanted to avoid the repeat of Black Power Salute version of 2021. It is also difficult to visualize which would be the right protest and the protests which would be illegitimate. There is no question of a sporting event becoming a tool for politicking of those vested interests. These vested interests have virtually no desire of under-privileged welfare but would seek to use them to make political points and perhaps gain power. Yet, the pressure on the IOC is significantly high. It is evident from the fact that the IOC is seeking to climb down from its earlier maximalist position. The IOC is apparently planning t allow protests and protest messaging at certain places. These include the introduction of athletes before the commencement of the event, the Olympic village among others. Yet, the allowing of protests during the medal ceremony continues to remain prohibited.


The messaging of IOC signifies it is susceptible to pressure from woke activists. To woke activists anything Western or anything that is not approved by them is illegitimate. They seek to use freedom of expression to highlight their demands yet refuse the same to their opponents. It would be interesting to see what the reactions would be in case someone refuses to join the protest. It would not be surprising if the athlete would be ostracized and in fact the pressure on other athletes to disassociate with him or her would be high. There would be realms of op-eds written and impute racist motives. It would also be interesting to see if any athlete would seek to protest against the treatment of minorities in China. It might be possible that given the Chinese power, this is unlikely to be thought of. Hardly any athlete for all their grandstanding is likely to miss the next year’s Winter Olympics in China. The political grandstanding has its uses in a democracy and Japan being one, it might be open to the expression of dissent.


However, the Olympics or for that matter any sporting event must remain out of bounds to woke agenda that is sought to be imposed. It is about political correctness rather than any commitment to a cause. The racism is evident and there are enough grounds to protest but the agenda and movers behind the protests have ulterior motives. They can make the most noise thus a narrative would be seen as something being favored by the masses. The athletes would perhaps be under pressure to support else risk an extremely bad PR that might virtually career threatening. This is in fact the real agenda of woke activists seeking to instigate athletes to protest. The Olympics are sacred and have built in their own sanctity. They have been powerful tools in enhancing human rights though they have often fallen prey to the political agenda. The instances of Olympics 1980 and 1984 come to the mind. There are many instances when Olympic selection or choice of Olympic flag bearers have pointed towards political symbolism. An instance would be of US choosing a Georgian born archer to carry the flag at the closing ceremony in 2008 in a message to Russian invasion, albeit proxy of Georgia.


There is no doubt that there exists an individual right to protest and have their freedom of expression. The individuals or group of individuals have a right to express their views in the manner they deem to be fit. Yet there exists a larger framework of using a sports platform to score political points. It is bad of the establishment to use sports for political motives and it’s equally wrong to use sports platforms to make one’s points that essentially arose in a political context. The Olympics should be kept away from these protests that have little to do with injustices perceived or real but everything do with an agenda of woke liberal community.




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