Decision Making as Output and Bounded Rationality

  The classical economics theories proceed on the assumption of rational agents. Rationality implies the economic agents undertake actions or exercise choices based on the cost-benefit analysis they undertake. The assumption further posits that there exists no information asymmetry and thus the agent is aware of all the costs and benefits associated with the choice he or she has exercised. The behavioral school contested the decision stating the decisions in practice are often irrational. Implied there is a continuous departure from rationality. Rationality in the views of the behavioral school is more an exception to the norm rather a rule. The past posts have discussed the limitations of this view by the behavioral school. Economics has often posited rationality in the context in which the choices are exercised rather than theoretical abstract view of rational action. Rational action in theory seems to be grounded in zero restraint situation yet in practice, there are numerous re...

Working with Students: List of Works Produced

Project ‘A la carte’ – Ingraining concepts in geographically and academically heterogeneous students towards aligning their skill-sets with corporate requirements necessitate departure from orthodox models. Students are given a choice to explore any topic of their passion and build the research output in diverse forms. Research output both primary and secondary, qualitative and quantitative have been presented in formats ranging from research  papers, case studies, maps, videos, podcasts, posters, exhibits, product and service design and development, apps, book reviews, theatrical/short film adaptations, dance/music adaptations, satires among others. The approach has increased ‘placeability’ quotient besides receiving critical acclaim and has benefited more than 250 students.  

An illustrative list (not able to include each and everything) is given below. Focus has been on recent works and might have skipped some good works of the past


‘Mapping the relationship between Advertising, Profitability and Business Strategy in India’, XI  Annual National Conference of Strategic Management Forum, IIT-Kanpur May 2008, (Ms. Anindita Kundu,)( Ms. Anindita received the Best Student Paper award)

‘Macroeconomics influence on Agro commodity prices Using Co-integration model’, International Conference on Agribusiness and Food Industry, IIM Lucknow August 2007 (Co-author: Ms. Surabhi Agarwal,)

 ‘Weather Risk, Agro Commodity Prices and Macro Economic Linkages Using Co-integration Model’, International Conference on Agribusiness and Food Industry, IIM Lucknow August 2007 (Co-author: Ms. Preethi Laddha ,)

‘Bank Lending, Capital Formation and Agricultural Production’, International Conference on Agribusiness and Food Industry, IIM Lucknow August 2007 (Co-author: Ms. Namrata Choudhary,)
‘Mapping the Success of Organized Food Retailing in India using Perceptual Mapping Models’, International Conference on Agribusiness and Food Industry, IIM Lucknow August 2007 (Co-author: Ms. Hemanti Richa, Mr. Manish Arora,)

‘Supply Chain in Fresh Produce Retailing and the Role of Transportation’, International Conference on Agribusiness and Food Industry, IIM Lucknow August 2007 (Co-author: Mr. Kumar Sushant,)

‘Mapping the Public Perception of Organic Food’, International Conference on Agribusiness and Food Industry, IIM Lucknow August 2007 (Co-author: Mr. Sarbeswar Rao, Mr. Anwit Goswami,)

“Does Social Media Empower Citizens? Evidence from Arab Spring”, X AIMS Intl Conference, IIM-Bangalore, Jan 2013 (Chinmoy Mohapatra)

“Does Size Influence Firm’s Profitability: Evidence from India”, 8th AIMS Intl Conference, IIM Ahmedabad, Jan 2011 (Ms. Kesha Parmar)

 “Resolving the Gap between Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and Unique Customer Perception (UCP) in the Indian Luxury Car Market” XI  National Conference of Strategic Management Forum, IIT-Kanpur May 2008 ( Ms. Jimmy Cheddha)

“From Haat to Supermarket: Changing Face of Rural Distribution Channels” National Conference on Rural Marketing, IIM, Kozhikode, Jan  2008 ( Ms. Ruchika Soni)

‘Analyzing Tata-Corus Deal using Game Theory Models’, II National Conference on Management Sciences, IIT Chennai March 2007 (Surabhi Agarwal)

‘Impact of Supply Chain Decisions on Working Capital Cycles’, II National Conference on Management Sciences, IIT Chennai March 2007 (Ms. Hemanti Richa)

‘Labour Markets and Working Conditions : A Study of Old Economy Firms in India’, 5th AIMS Intl Conference, ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, Dec 28-31, 2007 (Mr. Mandeep Singh)

‘Do Sweatshops Exist in the New Economy: A Case Study of Indian IT Industry’, 5th AIMS International Conference, ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, December 28-31, 2007 ( Ms. Tushma Singh, Ms. Ankisha Rastogi, Prof. Anantha Murthy)

“Mergers and Acquisitions in India: Jet Sahara Merger”, ICOQM, Bangkok, September 2007 (Mr. Hitesh Taunk)

Examining Customer Satisfaction, Usage and Adoption study of E-Banking Practices in Karnataka (Mr. Shantaveer Sollapur)

Examining Customer Satisfaction,  Usage and Adoption of Self Service Technology and E-Services in Electricity Industry: Case Study of BESCOM (Mr. Kishore)

Does User Reviews Influence Online Sales? : Case Study of Books and Accessories (Mr. Vikas S)

Do Current Innovation Strategies Enhance Firm Value? Evidence from the Largest R&D Spenders (Ms. Sindhu H.)

Towards Developing an Energy Candy as outcome of User Driven Innovation (Ms. Anita Gupta)

Towards Developing Potential Business Model for Cognitive Radio (Ms. Amani Kanajam)

If Internet Evolved in the Cold War: An Exercise in Counterfactual History (Mr. Dinesh Subramaniam)

Examining the Right to Forget: Book Review of ‘Delete’ (Ms. Prerna Paul; Ms. Mamata N)

Trademarks and Logos in the Digital Age: Case Study of Shoe Industry (Mr. Adil Haroon; Ms. Shagufa Jameel)

Youth in the Digital Age: A case of Digital Activism (Ms. Amrutha Patil)
Story Telling through Maps: The Great Silk Road (Ms. Somika Prasad)
Towards Developing Women’s Bike as an Outcome of User Driven Innovation (Ms. Narmata Rai; Ms. Shilpa Wadji)
 Examining the Case for Net Neutrality (Ms. Sakshi Batra)

Towards Dissection of Online User Reviews of Hotel Industry (Mr. Abhijeet Soni)

Adapting Chanakya in the Digital Age through examination of Google Strategy (Ms. Ipsita Pattnaik)

Usage and Attitude Study of E-Commerce in Category B Cities (Ms. Vibha Shivare; Ms. Suman Keshri)

Exploring the Hidden Tourism of Bengaluru (Video) (Mr. Ravi Kumar Singh; Ms. Sanchari Pyne)

Measuring Attention and Interest in Narendra Modi’s interaction with Diaspora (Google Trends based paper) (Ms. Rashmi Tiple)

Social Media Market of Housing and Real Estate Industry (Mr. Sushil Kumar Singh)

Value Decomposition in the Cement Industry (Mr. Rishav Jain; Mr. Chirag Purohit)

Examining the History of Surveillance (Mr. Chandru S.)

Degranularization of Product Development: Towards Developing Digital Walking Aid for Blind and RFID Tagging of Kids 

Critical Examination of Evolving Business Models in Digital Firms (Ms. Sagarika S; Ms Jaya Swapna)

Discrimination in Digital Age (A play based paper) (Ms. Tanvi T)

Social Media Marketing and Restaurant Industry (Mr. Amit Singh, Mr. Uttam Gupta)

Evolving Consumer Behavior in Digital Age: Case Study of Fashion Industry (Ms. Mousumi Dwivedi)
Documenting Patent Wars: Apple vs Samsung”, Poster Based Case (Mr. Subhranshu; Mr. Praveen)

Are Intellectual Property Rights Paramount? Evidence from Industries (Mr. Sourav Rana)

Why People Shop Online (Qualitative Behavioral Analysis on Online Shopping) (Ms. Sahera Reshmy)

Pirate’s Dilemma ( Adoption of Pirate’s Dilemma by Matt Mason into a play )(Ms. Ilona R, Mr.Kaushal M, Ms. Padmini G, Ms. Sindhu T)

Why Piracy (video incorporating field research investigating the existence of piracy) (Ms. Hena K, Mr. Nirav R)
Does Internet and Technology Generate Competitive Advantage: Case Studies (Mr. Neel Kumar D; Ms. Tripti Singh)

Cognitive Surplus (theatrical adoption of Clay Shirky’s book titled) (Ms. Manpreet Kaur; Ms. Richa P; Ms. Sneha C)

 Authentication Technologies: Implications for Privacy – A Case Study of Palm Vein Technology- poster based case study (Ms. Yojana K, Mr. Jaibharat T) 

NetFlix vs Blockbuster- Understanding New Business Models ( poster based case study) (Ms. Beenita Kumari)

Towards Designing a Digital Mall (product design based output) (Mr. Ankur Jain, Ms. Prachi S.)

Understanding Macrowikinomics- Book Summary (Ms. Susanah Chand)

Documenting Historical Evolution of Modern Retail Industry – Poster Based Presentation (Ms. Shruti)

Amazing India (Google Maps app capturing tourist places across India and a guide on how to visit and enjoy them!) (Mr. Renukanandan A, Mr. Gourav G, Ms. Sonika K., Ms. Harshada K.)

Understanding  Supply Chain  through Maps (Google Maps app capturing supply chains of Nokia, Dominos, Pizza Hut, Skoda, beauty industry etc) (Mr. Ankit R., Ms. Ankita P, Mr. Vikas V)

Mapping Concentration of Symbols of Globalization (Google Maps app mapping concentration of McDonalds, KFCs etc that provides pointers to possible concentration of FDI in retail)

Examining Open Source Challenges to Proprietary Business Models: Case Study of Open Source Challenges in ERP Industry (Mr. Abhinash M)

Does Wisdom of Crowds Hold Good? Case Study of Indian Financial Markets (Mr. Atul , Mr Govind B)
IT Industry and Sweatshops – Video (Ms. Manjari, Mr. Souptik)

Documenting User Led Innovation in Sports Goods Industry in India

Is Factory Dead? (theatrical adoption of Naomi Klein’s ‘ No Logo’) (Class of 10, IBA)

Mapping the Carbon Footprint of E-mail (poster based presentation)

Towards Designing an Open Source Business Model for Water Purification and Usage (Mr. Shashank)

Plotting the Relationship between Food Security and Food Affordability (Poster Based Presentation)

Towards Developing Business Models to Render Piracy Irrelevant (Series of Poster Based presentations) (Class of 2013, IBA)

Marketing Strategies in World of Global Inequalities

Capturing Innovation in Globalized World (Ms. Meha Raval; Mr. Viplav Chaubey)

Towards Developing Pricing models for Entertainment Industry (Mr. Srinivas R)

Dissecting the Ramifications of Relocating Production (Ms. Shrabanee M)

Exploring the Pressures Driving Market Access (Ms. Pranjalee Jaiswal)

Are MNCs the New Growth Engines? (Ms. Preeti Morla)

Impact of Virtual Cultures on Social Movements (Mr. Vishnu )

Towards Operating in Knowledge Driven Economy (theatrical adoption by Mr. Manish Lakhawat et al.)

What is Bottom of Pyramid?( theatrical adoption by Class of 2010, IBA)

Business Nature Dynamics in Global Age ( dramatized documentary by Ms. Vasu C et al)


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